Do You Need a Hunting License to Hunt Hogs?

There are many wild hog hunting lovers who look forward to wild hog hunting Texas but then end up their plans on the thought that they would need to undergo the license preparation process.
Well, if you are one of those who have been canceling or neglecting your passion of wild hog hunting for this reason, then here is a good news waiting for you.
License required for wild hog hunting? Still a doubt?
You don’t have a hunting license yet to desire to experience wild hog hunting? Well, that’s no more an issue as Governor Greg Abbott signed a petition and Senate Bill 317 on 31st May 2019 stating that people would need not a hunting license to enjoy East Texas hog hunting.
What is the major reason behind the passing of this bill?
One of the major reasons why the Governor took this decision is the increasing amount of damage done to the agricultural land in a short span of time. Reports claim that wild pigs cause more than $800 to $1.5 B damage to the agricultural land in a year. What’s more surprising is that this damage is expanding on a blazing speed.
This factor is enough to encourage the wild hog hunting activities throughout Texas while preserving the agricultural heritage of this area. As a result, we see many wild hog hunting Texas tour planners helping you book the best package.
A pro tip -
While you step towards the adventure of wild hog hunting, make sure to keep yourself covered with the safety hunting gears and enough weapons to deal with any unfavorable condition.
The last line –
Getting on the hunting ranch to live up your passion of wild hog hunting is an extremely fun thing to do. From giving you a lifetime experience to making you a pro hunter, there are countless leverages of wild hog hunting Texas. All you need is to horn your skills, get the package booked, and you are all set to go for it.
In case you face any doubts or queries regarding the wild hog hunting and its requirements, you can let our team know about it. We at Independence Ranch, are always there to assist you in all manner. Feel free to collaborate with our experts via call or email!